Membership Renewal & Club Kit

A belated Happy New Year everyone! The new year means memberships are due for renewal.

Membership renewal is now done through the British Cycling website at the following address:…/manchester-wheelers-club

Prices remain the same as last year:

Senior: £20
Junior: £10
Family: £30 (min. 1 adult, 1 child; max 2 adults, children from one family unlimited)

When renewing please do also review the volunteer section and tick which club activities you can help with this year. We struggle with volunteers for all events and activities. If the work to run events, club rides and activities was shared between ALL members, it would make for a more active and vibrant club.

Those of you wishing to start the new year with spangly new club kit can do so via Pente at the usual link  and those nice chaps over at Cycle Space in Disley even have some samples on display at the shop for you to try before you buy, so go pay them a visit!

Thanks and see you all in 2018!