
The club rides are a great way to improve your riding and get to know the rest of the members. There are a variety of rides from intro rides through to faster or longer rides but we have three general categories:

Experienced Must be confident riding at speed in a group. If you get dropped the group may not wait so make sure you know the route and be prepared to make your own way back.
Intermediate Must be confident riding in a group. Speed is typically around 16-18mph on the flat.
Novice Some experience of riding on the road required. Pace will typically be 14-16mph but may be adjusted to suit the abilities of the group. We have a regular Intro Ride which is ideal as an introduction to riding with the club.

If you are new to riding with a club, there are some important guidelines below:

  • Always ride safely and obey the rules of the road.
  • Club rides are not races.
  • Respect your club mates and other road users.

Ride Etiquette

  • Ride no more than two abreast except when overtaking.
  • Be aware of riders around you and try to ride smoothly and consistently.
  • Point out obstacles in the road such as potholes and parked cars.
  • If someone has a puncture or mechanical, or is being left behind you should wait for them, and help them.
  • Try not to react aggressively to any negativity from drivers – you are representing the club and may put the rest of the group in danger.

What to Take

  • Drink, food, money
  • Appropriate clothing in case of the infamous Northern weather
  • Lights
  • Spare inner tubes, tyre levers, pump
  • Emergency contact details

In Case of Emergency

It’s a good idea for all members to carry ID and emergency contact details with them on club rides. In the event of an accident in which the injured rider is unable to communicate the emergency contact details, after contacting the emergency services (where required) an accompanying rider should get the emergency contact details and contact the emergency contact as well as a committee member.